Per this PointsCentric post, you can turn a standard 25,000-point offer into a 50- or 75,000-point offer with a trick. He recommends to copy the link into your phone or tablet browser, and voila–you’ve got the offer. Here is the link: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/credit-cards/business-gold-rewards.
Note that you would have to spend $10,000 in 3 months, but this is as good as it gets. 75,000 Membership Rewards points for $0 AF for the first year is an incredible bonus. It has never been better than this (if my memory serves me).
I slightly improved upon the Pointcentric method in that you don’t really have to copy and paste anything (unless this is what he meant to begin with). Here is what I did.
1. Copy the link and paste it in your email.
2. Send the link to your cellphone.
3. Click on the link from the email on your cellphone.
4. This is the result.
I have an Android phone and it’s set to open in Chrome. I have no idea if it makes any difference or not. I also tried to open the PointsCentic’s post on my phone and send the link from there, but it didn’t work. I didn’t try another computer or a tablet because, well, read the name of my blog. If you want to experiment further with it, I hope PointsCentric wouldn’t mind. I certainly don’t. 🙂
Note that you can only get the bonus if you haven’t had this or Platinum business credit card for the last 12 months.
Thanks to PointsCentric for discovering an awesome hack!
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Secret FB Group: Reminder
Those of you guys, who want to join my secret FB group, please don’t forget that you need two things. First to friend me on FB, and second to send me an email. It’s not enough to do one or another. I have other people who friend me on FB, who have nothing to do with the hobby.