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A Few Good Things We Are Losing in September



Credit Cards

The better Chase United Airlines 55,000 Mileage Plus Miles and $50 credit: expires September 2 (there is still time)

The better American Express Delta Airlines 50,000 SkyMiles and $50 creditexpires September 8 (there is still time)

New Checking Account Bonuses

Astoria Bank: $250 bonus (NYC only). Expires Sep 1. (Gone)

Capital One$250 Bonus for the new business account. Expires Aug 31. Gone.

US BANK: $150 bonus expires Sep 12. (there is still time).

Evolve Devaluation

It’s not like we are losing  Evolve; what will be lost is the ability to use their service multiple time per biller. 

Evolve Money will be implementing a limit of one payment per biller account per month. This change takes effect September 1, 2014

Hope, I didn’t miss anything. Really hope.

On a bright side, I’m going to Cancun in 10 days (under a guise of attending a travel (#TBEX) conference). And this Monday, I’m taking my family to decaying and decomposing Atlantic City for a few pre-school days of sun and fun. Looking forward to catching its last semi-glorious days while [some of] the city is still standing; that is, before it gets completely overrun by elements, stray dogs and New Jersey politicians.

Oh, wait, I’ve already mentioned elements. My bad!



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Secret FB Group: Reminder

Those who want to join my secret FB group, there are two things. First, friend me on FB, and second to send me an email. It’s not enough to do one or another. I have other people who friend me on FB and who have nothing to do with the hobby.

Ask questions or comment below on these topics or any others. 



Saturday Night Late – Buckle for a Chuckle (06.07.14)

  Toilet humor, anyone? No, not today. Since my last week Late Saturday Night “column” has been well-received (meaning getting a few clicks above the usual two or three), I’ve decided to try and reproduce that success by turning it into another scheduled feature (just like my other scheduled features I can never keep upContinue Reading

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Traveling in Order to Save Money

This is a post by Jeff Norris. Jeff is a frequent flyer who constantly searches for new ways to travel rich on a low budget. While we here love to fly on miles and stay on points, we need to be reminded sometimes that there are other ways to save money, too.  Whether you’re planningContinue Reading

Sadly, My Optimism About Thailand Being Safe Might Have Been Premature

In my recent post: Coup d’etaut in #Thailand: Should You Cancel Your Trip? I said no you should not. Unfortunately, the unfolding of events on the ground two days after the #thaicoup as well as an exchange with a person who travels to Thailand quite often, has made me think that maybe I spoke too soon. First,Continue Reading

Amusing Things You Hear on the Plane

What the hell! Not everything is about miles, right? In my mail today, I found this Quora collection of airplane jokes, titled: What are some witty and amusing things you have heard on an airplane?  For those who don’t know, Quora is a really interesting and different social platform. Ask a question, and dozens if not hundreds of people willContinue Reading

Coup d’etaut in Thailand: Should You Cancel Your Trip?

  Please read my update Unless you are a student of history, you probably couldn’t care less about yellow shirts and red shirts. Military coups occur in Thiailand all the time, and they are usually bloodless. Thailand has been in political turmoil for about eight years, and all these years the tourists flocking to ThailandContinue Reading

The Real Cost of Meeting Spend Requirements: Lost Profit

The Real Cost of Meeting Spend Requirements: Lost Profit

As you know, my true passion is travel, not Manufactured Spend. I had never looked into making profit from our hobby aside of free trips. I had been advocating against going into Manufactured Spend for profit for a long time; right until it stopped making sense. However, increased spend requirements and decreased benefits of the loyaltyContinue Reading

World Cup 2014: There Are More Brazil Cities You Could Fly to from the US

This is a short addition to my previous posts about some very good availability that has recently opened up on American Airlines to Rio and Sao Paulo, as well as TAM and Azul for intra-Brazil flights right in time for the World Cup. See my previous posts here: AA & Azul Award Availability to WorldContinue Reading

Airlines are slipping us a roofie again

  Isn’t it funny that every time a big corporation loses a battle in their never-ending war against consumers, they immediately roll up their sleeves and start grinding at it again? Never give up, do they? No, it’s not funny! The ink hasn’t even dried on the DOT’s ruling mandating the airlines to display aContinue Reading

New York to Grand Caiman for $234-235 RT with Taxes

  This is an amazing fare and you’re well-advised to act quickly. I’ve been able to find quite a few available dates and followed all the way to the checkout, and it worked. The fare is valid on US Airways out of Newark for limited dates from March to June. Act quickly as it won’tContinue Reading

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