Per Saverocity, Chase today sweetened the deal offering an additional $50 statement credit to its already great 55,000-mile offer. If you have not received your Chase United MileagePlus Card sign up bonus within the last 24 months, you are out of excuses.
Yes, this is a really great deal! Click on the picture above to get to the application page.
Yesterday, I reported that I “broke” the website while I was actively seeking to find some enhanced business credit card offers from Chase.
I’m happy to report that everything seems to be back to normal, however, I have not been able to replicate these great offers for my own account. It is still working for my wife, though. Here is the business card 50,000-mile offer screenshot I forgot to post yesterday.
So, some of us are apparently targeted for these offers (another one is a Club card with waived $395 fee for the first year). Log on to your account, use these links and even if you don’t get it immediately, follow the instructions in my yesterday post and see what happens. Good luck!
Chase United MileagePlus Explorer Business Card 50,000-Mile Offer
Chase United MileagePlus Club Business Card No AF Offer
Chase United MileagePlus Club Card No AF Offer